La Roue De Fortune
Roue = Wheel
In either case, whether it is viewed at the macrocosmic or the microcosmic level, with the wheel there is a certain level of impending, or at least possible peril.
Roulette is from French roulette "gambling game played with a revolving wheel," meaning "small wheel (Old French roelete), formed from Late Latin rotella, diminutive of Latin rota "wheel," also "a potter's wheel; wheel for torture," from PIE root *ret- "to run, to turn, to roll"[OE]
"Your hands shaped me and made me. Will you turn and destroy me? Remember that you molded me like clay. Will you now turn me to dust again? Job 10:8-9
When the sun [Ra] rose, God [elohim] provided a scorching east wind, and the sun blazed on Jonah's head so that he grew faint. He wanted to die, and said, "It would be better for me to die than to live." Jonah 4:8
"Also known as a wheel window, such windows were often placed above doors and on the western side of the structure in order to maximize light filtering into the interior. At the time of their popularity, they were sometimes called 'Catherine Windows' (named for the spokes of the Catherine wheel on which St. Catherine was tortured.)They were often laid out in twelve parts, which reflected not only hours of the day, but also the months of the year and the zodiac. Like the Eastern mandala, rose windows often symbolized how various smaller parts could form a harmonious whole and attain perfect unity." - Rose Windows: History, Design, Symbolism
In a version of the divination of the parts of the body, a common formula in the afterlife literature, the vulva of the deceased is identified with Tatenen (BD sole 181). In "The Songs of Isis and Neptheys,"Osiris is hailed as "Sacred image of thy father Tatenen," ("The Bremmer-Rhind Papyrus—I," p. 123 [1,16]), and is told that "Thy father Tatenen lifts up the sky [*Nwt] that thou mayest tread over its four quarters; thy soul flies in the east; thou art the likeness of Re [*the Sun], and they who dwell in the Netherworld receive thee with joy, Geb [*the Earth] breaks open for thee what is in him, and they come to thee in peace," ibid., p. 132 [16, 24]). Tatenen, ¶3
When we are born our fortune is set. Originally fortune from Old French fortune was about ones lot "share or portion of life" in any way," that which is given by fate, God or destiny", and carried the meaning of either "good fortune" or "misfortune," from Latin fortuna "chance, fate, good luck." When someone has good fortune, i.e., fors "chance, luck", we say they are fortunate, i.e., fortunatus "prospered, prosperous; lucky, happy" (past participle of fortunare "to make prosperous"). But it is strange that when we call an event unfortunate "unlucky" it is still occurring according to ones fortune. It's not as if "unfortunate" people don't have a fortune or fate, and they aren't necessarily unlucky either, in the vast scheme of things. Fortunes can change, and sometimes what appears to be unfortunate can turn out to be, on the contrary, very fortunate. For example, getting kicked off the only flight to your destination (unfortunate?), but then you later learn that the plane has crashed. You are suddenly fortunate for the very same reason you thought you thought earlier you were unfortunate for.
We might also say one's fortune is like a fore + tune, the name [Gk. όνομα onoma] or a tune / tone spoken by God which fashions a person to be who they are.
But now thus says the LORD, he who formed you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine." Isaiah 43:1 ESV
Before I formed thee in the belly [beten] I knew thee; and before thou came forth out of the womb [rechem] I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Jeremiah 1:4-5 KJV
. . . before tuning, before being stretched (by the potter) or living out this existence of becoming or being shaped into something, the fortune is what tells us who we are (our name).
Tune is from "tone" and is said to be from PIE root *ten "to stretch." Compare this to ancient Greek teinein (teinō) "to stretch," and tenon "tendon, sinew" and tenos "sinew" [which is a kind of cord, from Latin chorda "string of a musical instrument, cat-gut" (from Gk. khorde "string, cat-gut, chord, cord") that can make a chord which makes a sound / music that has a certain character and is named, i.e., C major, A minor, etc. An artist or creator, such as God, creates that which is in accord with the cor / cordis "heart, intellect, mind." We might say we pulled at God's heart-strings or his "cords cordis" and thus were "tuned" into being by his will from the stuff of the earth/matter to be, each, our own unique selves.
Also certain chords can tune a person back into proper shape or back into health, such as the troubled King Saul who was soothed by David's chord playing.
And so it was, whenever the spirit of God was upon Saul, that David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him. 1 Samuel 16:23 NKJV
In any case, the "ten" vocalization is related to words having to to with stretching and also foundations, such as the first land "stretching" out of the primordial waters, Tatenen, the "risen land."
*ten = stretch
tA "land" Tnn = which has risen/become distinct [. . . which means that we could say that tatas are mammory "lands" and are our first refuge (the land flowing with milk) as a baby,
X marks the spot, ta da! Or we could say Ta marks the spot, the symbol x originating from the Phoenician taw, which is χ which sounds like tA
taw = χ = tA
10 in ancient Egyptian is written with the "animal fetter" / "hoble for cattle" hieroglyph.
The ancient Egyptians had a base ten number system, so 10, ten, X (decem), was literally a foundational building block [tA], or a number which other numbers rise out of [Tnn] such as 100 (10 x10), 1,000 (10 x 10 x 10), . . . 1,000,000 (10⁶).
Ten is a titan "thing of very great importance" of math. And the Titans were the elder or first gods and sometimes described as chthonic gods,
The hot blast enveloped the chthonic Titans, the indescribable flames reached the divine sky, and sparkling flare of the thunderbolt and lightning dazzled the strongest eyes. - Hesiod, Theogony, p. 24, lines 697- 700, translated by M. L. West
Chthonic is from Gk. χθόνιος khthonios "of the earth, in the earth," from χθών khthōn "the earth, solid surface of the earth,"said to be from PIE root *dhghem- "earth"[OE], which is somewhat similar in vocalization to the PIE root for the word "ten" (and Gk δέκα deka) , i.e., *dekm-. So if PIE root *ten- means "to stretch," and the word in English for the number 10 "ten" comes from PIE root *dekem-, which is similar to PIE root *dhghem- "earth," which is "land," then it seems like there is the possibility that the concept of 10 or ι in Greek [iota], could carry the meaning of a number that is a building block / first "land," like [Tatenen] tA "land" Tnn "risen land" / land stretching out of Nun, and therefore the primordial mound / primordial "earth."
Or maybe we could say 10 tethers, i.e., fetters, numbers together. Tether being from *deu- "to fasten." The word for 10 in ancient Egyptian is transliterated as mḏw, and said to be pronounced something like medju. It is, interestingly, similar to the ancient Egyptian word for "word, speech," mdw, medu. So ten, medju, is foundational like Tatenen, and "word" or "speech," i.e., medu, is foundational to creation. God created with his word and saw that is was good. He took appropriate measures, i.e., *med- [md] when he created with his mdw "word" and life emerged [*ten-] upon the first land, Tatenen. God meted [from mete (v.) "to allot," which is also from *med-], out a fate, literally "thing spoken (by the gods)" from PIE root *bha- (2) "to speak, tell, say," with his speech, i.e., medu. The divine maker md with mdw and the foundational building block of the mathematical universe, the medju "ten," came into being and it was the central place or the "middle" of creation, middle said to be from Proto-Germanic *medj, from PIE root *medhyo- "middle," also root of Latin medium "the middle, midst, center; interval" / medius "in the middle, between; from the middle."
"While every part of the brain is important in its own way, the work of the medulla oblongata is essential for sustaining life." -verywellhealth, The Anatomy of the Medulla Oblongata
"It is only about 3cm long, but the medulla is an indispensable nerve tract which contains the control centers for our automatic vital functions. . . The medulla contains four cranial nerves including the hypoglossal nerve which controls tongue movements and muscles involved with speech" [*medu] -The hindbrain, University of Queensland
Medulla is from Latin medulla literally "marrow" also "pith of plants," both marrow and pith certain types of undifferentiated cells, namely, hematopoietic stem cells and parenchyma cells, and also have the figurative meanings of - marrow "inmost or central part, inner substance, essence," and - pith "essential part, quintessence, condensed substance," so we might say medulla contains the intrinsic and central word (medu) or name / fate of a thing. And the medulla is in the *medj "middle," center, central part, and perhaps the medju "ten," that is, the foundational mater (Latin meaning) "origin, source, mother," or foundational earth / land [Tatenen].
So, we might say at the foundation of the universe, as time wore on, from this place in the middle / center / central part (*medj ) of creation, the primary medu/word of creation, Tatenen, the foundational block, "ten"/medju, or from the first iota (ι), or atom "building block of the universe," more and more was added or built up each "day" (which is "cycle": Day, Night, Day[morning] = One Day) of creation.
God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day. Genesis 1:5
If we equate the beginning of the first day to the Big Bang, on this first day we have a cosmic soup of particles that then cools into atoms of hydrogen, then helium, and eventually stars form and there is light. After the first day, there was a second day, and so on until human beings were created on the sixth day. Then on the seventh day, there was the day of rest, so the the end of a cycle / Gk kyklos "circle, wheel, any circular body": the first week. Days upon days, weeks upon weeks, eons upon eons, cycles upon cycles, spirals upon spirals, wheels upon wheels later, we find ourselves here; revolved from the first little packet of light / information; photons, into subatomic particles, into elements, into molecules, and into beings made of more complex information building blocks; RNA and DNA, and it is all very geometric and mathematical in nature.
Some people do in fact contend, and there is argument to say, that the universe is in actuality made out of mathematics. So in this way, everything that is made would be endowed with this mathematical karma [from Sanskrit karma "action, work, deed; fate"]. Everything is made from and governed by the particular laws of creation and cannot deviate from these fundamental conditions / building blocks of existence, such as the four fundamental forces of nature, namely, gravity, the weak force, electromagnetic force, and the strong nuclear force. What goes up, must come down, if a = b, and b = c, then a = c, whatever you do, creates an action, i.e., karma, as a result.
"The disk in the middle is divided into two parts, indicating human consciousness and the unconscious mind. Both parts of the image complement each other, but differences are also apparent. The lower portion is full of symbols and signs, while the upper areas are empty [* within the inner and outer white rings]. This might suggest that the messages of the unconscious are conveyed through symbols alone." - Dalí Tarot, Wheel of Fortune, Great Resolution,
The universe was envisioned as a great sphere--or egg-shaped ovoid--with the solid dome of the sky forming the upper half and the inverse dome of the pit of Tartaros the lower. The flat, horizontal disk of the earth divided the interior of the cosmic sphere into two halves-- the homes of men and gods above, and the gloomy, storm-wracked prison of the Titanes below. — - Tartaros
There are the sources of extremities of dark earth and misty Tartarus, of the undraining sea and the starry heaven, all in order, dismal and dank, that even the gods shudder at; and there are the shinning gates and the [χάλκεος] bronze [ούδός] threshold, firmly fixed with long roots, made by no craftsman's hand. And beyond, excluded from the company of the gods, the Titans live, on the far side of the gloomy chasm. —Hesiod, Theogony, p. 27, lines 807-814
He [Achilles] put it [his armor] on, the gifts of the god, which Hephaistos had made for him with much labor. | First he put around his legs the shin guards, | beautiful ones, with silver fastenings at the ankles. | Next he put around his chest the breastplate, | and around his shoulders he slung the sword with the nails of silver, | a sword made of bronze [χάλκεον]. Next, the shield, great and mighty, | he took, and from it there was a gleam from afar, as from the moon, | or as when, at sea, a gleam to sailors appears | from a blazing fire, the kind that blazes high in the mountains | at a solitary station, as the sailors are carried unwilling by gusts of wind | over the fish-swarming sea, far away from their loved ones. | So did the gleam from the Shield of Achilles reach all the way up to the aether. —Iliad 19.368-379
Now that's money! [χάλκος khalkos "copper, brass, money"]
So, the entrance to the domain of the (chthonic) χθόνιος Titans, is shiny (made of χάλκεον) like treasure (gaza γάζα "treasure" in Gk.), something that would capture the gaze, and perhaps have allure and lure, before it snaps shut and imprisons the body and spirit.
Inside however, it is a different story, beyond the gates is described with words such as "misty," "loathsome," "dank," "murky," "dark," and a "gloomy chasm" [zoferós Khaos], ζοφερός Χάεος [814], "which even the gods abhor" [809].
Then what kind of treasure is this repository of symbols, the unconscious mind, the half of the sphere that supports, or forms the counter balance to heaven and the light of consciousness, that is itself so fearful, monstrous and dark? It certainly suggests that a healthy dose of awe, reverence and respect for its depths and power is in order. Very few mortals are said to have returned from Hades. It takes something more to cross χ the threshold both ways. But perhaps if we employ our inner psychopomps, like Hermes and Hecate to travel between the worlds we can traverse the bronze threshold and mind for treasure there without being sucked into the gloomy chasm and confined for eternity to hell.
And what are the parameters to our portion? Portion from porcioun "allotted part; lot, fate, destiny,"from Latin portionem"share, part," ultimately from PIE root *pere- (2) "to grant, allot. It is the Wheel of Portion, our universe, that is our home. It is what has been allotted to us, it is our part, our share of existence. And this space in which we are living out the drama of our lives didn't just appear out of no where. No, we are literally riding on the backs of giants, that is, the first stars which formed in the cosmic soup of the early universe that first reigned supreme, and created the circumstances necessary in the universe which would eventually form a certain star, that would support a certain little blue planet, that would support life, that would then provide a place for us to be here today, made out of the clay of the earth.
What science has gathered from peering back in time with powerful telescopes uncannily mirrors the Greek mythology. Scientists say that the first stars were giant stars [so primordial titans] that burned bright and hot for a [relatively] short period of time and were later replaced by their descendant "children" stars (and planets) which then became our "gods," and specifically the gods of our solar system, i.e., the Sun (Helios / Sol / Ra), moon (Selene / Luna), planets and constellations, while they, the progenitor stars, were relegated to "Tartarus," i.e., the black holes at the center of the galaxies.
Another change occurred after the first stars started to form. Theory predicts that the first stars were 30 to 300 times as massive as our Sun and millions of times as bright, burning for only a few million years before exploding as supernovae. . .
. . . Understanding the first sources [first stars] is critical, since they greatly influenced the formation of later objects such as galaxies. The first sources of light act as seeds for the later formation of larger objects. . .
. . . Additionally, the first stars that exploded as supernovae might have collapsed further to form black holes. The black holes started to swallow gas and other stars to become objects known as "mini-quasars," which grew and merged to become the huge black holes now found at the centers of nearly all galaxies. Universe
And these black holes even in their extreme terribleness rest so far away, that from our present physical reality that they pose, not only no danger to us here, but provide a stable axis of rotation. Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy is 26,670 light years from Earth.
And there, all in their order, are the sources of the ends of gloomy earth and misty Tartarus and the unfruitful sea and the starry heaven, loathsome and dank, which even the gods abhor. [740] It is a great gulf, and if once a man were within the gates, he would not reach the floor until a whole year had reached its end, but cruel blast upon blast would carry him this way and that. And this marvel is awful even to the deathless gods. —Hesiod, Theogony, 736-744
And "below" is hell, which would be the grave, and death. But in actuality it is all just "out there" or "in there" and relative to each of us situated upon this earth in this place in space.
This universe shapes us, she is our cauldron (pot) of transformation, she gives us our universal experience of being alive in the otherwise undifferentiated, cold, dark endless chaos of infinite space, time and consciousness.
She is our foundation. A definite 10. So even if this wheel can be tortuous at times, where would we be without it?
You're lucky to have something to do, and to be somebody.
If we didn't have birthdays, you wouldn't be you. If you'd never been born, well then what would you do?If you'd never been born, then well what would you be?You might be a fish! Or a toad in a tree!You might be a doorknob! Or three baked potatoes!You might be a bag full of hard green tomatoes.Or worse than all that . . . Why, you might be a WASN'T!A Wasn't has no fun at all. No, he doesn't.A Wasn't just isn't. He just isn't present.But you . . . You ARE YOU! And, now isn't that pleasant! —Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You!, p.10
Unfortunately, we don't have any other option but to be in motion, given that we are creatures and in the process of becoming or being created, and are therefore not THE Unmovable, Unsearchable, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Eternal Creator God, God. Even Jesus, being born fully human and fully God did not escape tuning and torture. But through our immersion on this little watery planet, in the big waters of the womb of universe, we end up getting turned into Christ [Χριστός] upon that wheel. And that is a treasure, by Jove!
We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. Romans 6:4 ESV
So, embrace your cross X and your fate like that "fool" from the Bible. Wheel it and deal it (or deal with it), and who knows, you might just get out of here alive!
. . . Strange and terribleare the HOUNDS of the Barrier.Follow they consciousness to the limits of space.Think not to escape by entering your body,for follow they fast the Soul through angles,Only the circles will give ye protection,save from the clawsof the DWELLERS IN ANGLES. . .
. . . Aye, know ye man,that the Soul who dares the Barriermay be held in bondageby the HOUNDS from beyond time,held till this cycle is completedand left behindwhen the consciousness leaves.Entered I my body.Created the circles that know not angles,created the formthat from my form was formed.Made my body into a circleand lost the pursuers in the circles of time.But, even yet, when free from my body,cautious ever must I benot to move through angles,else my soul may never be free.Know ye, the HOUNDS of the barriermove only through anglesand never through curves of space.Only by moving through curvescan ye escape them,for in angles they will pursue thee.O man, heed ye my warning;Seek not to break openthe gate to beyond.Few there arewho have succeeded in passing the Barrierto the greater LIGHT that shines beyond.For know ye, ever the dwellers,seek such Souls to hold in their thrall. . .
—The Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Tablet VIII: The Key of Mystery, pp. 22; 27-29