Oak is a hard wood. The oak tree stands for strength and power. In Hebrew allon / allah is "an oak," or sometimes elah / elon is "oak tree[or other strong tree]; terebinth," which is similar to the term used for God and gods, Eloah / Elah(Aramaic), from El (linguistically related to Allah), and Elohim (grammatically pl.). Elohim is the God of creation in Genesis. It means something like "the powers, the mighty." The oak is the mighty tree, and El is the mighty God.
Durable is from Latin durare "to last, harden," from PIE *deru "to be firm, solid, steadfast." So we could say, what is durable is like a tree. The word tree is in fact from this same root, from Old English treo, ultimately from PIE *deru, having a special meaning of "tree[oak], wood." The oak is the epitome of tree because tree simply means a thing of durability, stability and strength.
Adoration of Osiris, Kha Funerary Papyrus, 18th Dynasty, c. 1567-320 BC, Egyptian Museum, Turin, Italy
Osiris was the ancient Egyptian god of resurrection and rebirth(notice his green skin indicating growth and life, like a tree). The name Osiris comes from wsjr, the transliteration of the Egyptian name of the god. The name is rendered with various different spellings, such as Usir, Usire, Ausar, Ausar, Ausir, Ausare, Asari, Aser and Wesir. Osiris was associated with the djed pillar which had the meaning "stability, continuity, regeneration." The djed was known as the symbolic representation of the backbone or spine of Osiris, as well as originally being associated with vegetation.
The djed may originally have been a fertility cult related pillar made from reeds or sheaves or a totem from which sheaves of grain were suspended or grain was piled around. Eric Neumann remarks that the djed pillar is a tree fetish . . . –wikipedia.Djed.Origin and Development
The spine, as a pillar, is like the stalk or tree(*deru, support) of the body, or trunk, that supports the limbs and head. We might call the backbone our "oak"- bone in this respect.
Easter(in German Ostern) is a celebration at the time proceeding the first full moon after the spring equinox. Easter is the celebration of resurrection and new life. Ost is "east" in German. East is from PIE *aus-to-, *austra "east," literally meaning -to "toward" + -aus "sunrise(shining light of dawn)," from PIE *aus- (1) "to shine" especially the light of dawn. The dawn is a time associated with resurrection(as in the daily "rebirth" of the sun).
If we compare this root(*aus-) with the name Osiris, aka Ausir, we could say he is the "bright, shining" (*aus-) + "eye" (ir in Egyptian). However, since Osiris was associated with the moon, perhaps this "bright eye" could be the shinning eye of the moon during its cycle, rather than the sunrise. Or specifically, perhaps, the rising of the Full Moon. Osiris was mythologically associated with the moon along with Thoth. The Eyes of Horus were associated with the sun and moon. Sometimes the left Eye of Horus, the lunar eye, was called the Eye of Thoth. In one myth Osiris is brought back to life after Horus gives him his eye to eat, which had been torn out by Set and then rescued by Thoth. The resurrected Osiris becomes the Lord of the underworld. Osiris/Ausir, like the moon, is one who shines in darkness.
The moon is a kind of shinning bone colored disc. In Latin os (ossa pl.) is "bone", from PIE *ost- "bone", in Greek ost is "bone." So Osiris could be the "bone eye," os "bone" + iris (bright circle) in appearance. Or the god of bone, i.e. Osseous, from Latin osseus "bony, of bone".
Full Moon/Shining(Aus) Eye/Bone Eye/Ash Eye
However, PIE root *os- has the meaning ash (n.2) as in "ash tree," so we could say the moon is like the wood of the ash tree, which itself, in fact, looks similar to bone. Both the wood of the ash and bone are hard living organic materials. So it seems that the idea of bone is simply that it is a hard strong material similar in function to wood.
Twisted Ash Staves - resemble bones
Ash(n.2) is from Old English æsc "ash tree," also with the extended meaning of "spear made of wood from ash"(from same root as Old Norse askr "ash tree," Old Saxon ask "ash tree"), from PIE root *os- "ash tree." There is a similarity with os as "ash," and os "bone"/ *ost- "bone." In Albanian asht is "bone." The ash is a tree with hard dense wood that is strong, but also elastic (or maybe we could say el-ash-tic). It ranges in color from shades of cream to light brown. The generic name for the ash in Latin is Fraxinus which also had the extended meaning of "spear," like aesc. Staves and spears need to be strong with a certain amount of elasticity like bones(to prevent fracture).
These words, ash and ask "ash tree," are similar to the Hebrew word for "tree, trees, wood," i.e, ets /etz/êṣ (pronounced ates) etseh(pl), as in the tree ('êṣ) of Life and the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
And in Hebrew etsem is "bone, substance, self," also "wood, limb, strength," otsem "might, bones, frame," from atsam "be vast, mighty, numerous; brake the bones, be great." So tree and bone in Hebrew, like *os(ash tree) and *ost(bone), has the meaning of being a strong supportive organic substance.
This at last is bone [eṣem] of my bone [meaṣamay] and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called išša / isha because she was taken out of iš / ish. Genesis 2:23Bones are also atsom meaning "numerous and mighty." Is that maybe atsom like awesome, as in, mighty and terrible? Bones are the pillars of the body. And bones can be sort of terrible and frightening when they are revealed under the flesh. Imagine a host "army" of dry bones given life like in Ezekiel. Terrible!
So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the spirit came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great host. The Valley of Dry Bones, Ezekiel 37:10
The Human Skeleton - An Awesome Figure
How is winking / shutting associated with greatness? Strange. Maybe it could be like the "winking" of the eye of the sun during an eclipse, which is a really awesome type of event. This kind of closing / shutting is a revelation that shows strength(the moon shuts the eye of the sun!) and majesty(the corona "crown" becomes visible) of the interplay between the sun and moon. Also, the time of the waning, "winking" of the moon brings about a new moon. The new moon is a time of potency, it is like the darkness right before the dawn. Like a pendulum at the bottom of a swing, it is a time when nothing remains to be lost, and then everything is gained.
Yom Terruah, the Day of the Shofar Blast(which is technically a horn and not bone, but is bone-like) begins at the new moon in autumn, it is the end of the agricultural year, the time of reaping, and Rosh Hashanah "head(or maybe peak) [of] the year." It is the start of the High Holy Days, the Days of Awe(Interestingly, a or aw is the Aramaic word for "wood" corresponding to ets), which ends on Yom Kippur, "The Day of Atonement".
Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven saying, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever." Revelation 11:15New Moon, by Crystal Pomeroy, Global Light Minds
Atseh has the meaning of "backbone, spine." The backbone binds the body together and makes it strong like a tree(ash) in the body. Like trees and stalks, backbones grow with the body as well. They are not stone. The shutting of the eyes(atsam) in death allows for the rising of the soul to become(atsah "be more") something great like Osiris, by overcoming death.
If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. - Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars V, A New Hope, 1977The osseous looking moon is resurrected each month in its cycle and thus is a symbol of a yin type of stability, like the djed pillar / backbone(atseh) of Osiris. It is a stability that exists within movement, yet is stable and sure, like the tides, and like the day itself. It is the stability that is not fixed, but organic and life giving.
Man / Adam, finally, becomes more fully like God Genesis 3:22 partaking of the knowledge of the tree. The eats(i.e., the produce/fruit from the ets[tree] that was consumed) first brings pain, but then it brings the remedy. And the remedy is transformative. Man is completed and made better because of the whole experience, like Osiris who was enclosed in the trunk of a tree The Story of Osiris and Isis. We might say Osiris was placed in "stalks," but this wood of his imprisonment, the djed pillar / stalk, then became the very symbol of stability and strength. Like the backbone of a body.

The backbone(atseh) is the tree(etsem) and strength of the body. The endoskeleton[tree of the body].
I am the "spine"(ampelos "vine" in Greek, maybe something like providing ample"abundant"+ os "stregth") and you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5
"Christ calls himself a vine, because, as the vine imparts sap and productiveness, so Christ infuses into his followers his own divine strength and life." Thayers Greek Lexicon; Strongs 288 άμπελος
When you learn the lesson of the tree, i.e. the *deru "oak," you are learning a hard, durable lesson, that will make you strong; stronger than death even. But it can be a little terrifying(deru-fying).
In the Norse Eddas, Yggdrisil, the World Tree, was an enormous ash whose branches extend far into the heavens. The spear of Odin(who was called Hoárr "one-eyed") was made from a branch of an ash tree.
Yggdrasil is said to be possibly from, Ygg(r), another name of Odin(possibly meaning "terrible one," terrible as in awesome) + drasill "horse", Odin's Horse meaning "gallows", i.e., "the horse of the hanged."
In Old Norse "gallows" is galgi from Proto-Germanic *galgon- "pole" (root of Middle High German galge "gallows, cross," Gothic galga "cross"), from PIE *ghalgh- "branch, rod." So this world tree is the gallows of the awesome God, Woden, the Hangi "hanged one," Hangatyr "god of the hanged," the seeker who bound himself upon a branch(*ghalgh-) of the tree, pierced himself with a spear(ash), and hung for nine days and nights(the number of completeness and finality) before the runes revealed themselves and their secrets to him(He was willing to hang there for however long it took, come what may). With the knowledge of the runes he became one of the mightiest beings in the whole cosmos.
Yggdrasil, the great ash, was Odin's gallows, or we could say Woden's wooden horse. This world tree can be compared with the the Milky Way, our "milky" circle, galaxias kyklos (Gk), which forms a cross(galga) with the ecliptic. The Milky Way is representative of the cross of our incarnation in the flesh. The soul is fixed in a body at birth and enters into a world of pain with the stigma of original sin. We are all hanged men dying slow deaths, fixed or nailed to the xulon(Gk.) "thing made out of wood; staff, cross, pole, gallows" of the zodiac, at the time of birth.
-for it is written, "Cursed(doomed to destruction) be every one who hangs on a tree(xulon). Galatians 3:13
Galactic Cross, Conjunction of the Galactic Equator and the Ecliptic
The question is, "Are we using our time well?" Are we learning the secrets of the runes, or are we wasting away in pain, worry, anxiety, and fear until we are dead with self-loathing, guilt, and shame of the realization that we are pathetic worms hanging from a tree?
And why is a gallows called a "HORSE" of the hanged?
The question is, "Are we using our time well?" Are we learning the secrets of the runes, or are we wasting away in pain, worry, anxiety, and fear until we are dead with self-loathing, guilt, and shame of the realization that we are pathetic worms hanging from a tree?
And why is a gallows called a "HORSE" of the hanged?
Why is a sawhorse called a sawhorse?
It probably has something to do with the four legs; two on one side, two on the other, so that the equus("horse" in Latin) is equally balanced and is a vehicle of stability. Horses are very djed.
Sawhorse from The Marvelous Land of Oz, illustration john R. Niel, 1904. In The Careless Kangaroo of Oz he is given the proper name, Lignum(which is really just Latin for "wood").
Gulgoleth is "skull, head, census[head count]" biblical in Hebrew, from galal "roll, roll away, commit, remove" like the sky is the covering / shell / husk(skull) over the Earth, and is a great turning galgal ("wheel, whirl" in Hebrew), also from galal. So we could say our galaxy, i.e., the *g(a)lag- circle, is the galgal(wheel) that is our Golgotha, i.e. place of crucifixion.
Sawhorse from The Marvelous Land of Oz, illustration john R. Niel, 1904. In The Careless Kangaroo of Oz he is given the proper name, Lignum(which is really just Latin for "wood").
Gulgoleth is "skull, head, census[head count]" biblical in Hebrew, from galal "roll, roll away, commit, remove" like the sky is the covering / shell / husk(skull) over the Earth, and is a great turning galgal ("wheel, whirl" in Hebrew), also from galal. So we could say our galaxy, i.e., the *g(a)lag- circle, is the galgal(wheel) that is our Golgotha, i.e. place of crucifixion.
At dawn the eye of the sun opens and everything is light. At sunset the great eye shuts and it is night. Shut, šwt is "feather" in ancient Egyptian. The shut of Ma'at whose name means "truth" pertains to mighty judgment. It was against this feather(shut) of Ma'at that the hearts of the deceased were weighed against in the Duat("afterworld"). When the sun sets it metaphorically travels through the underworld. Night is representative of the time of death and judgment.
Maat with Shut, Feather of Maat
The fan or the "shade"(as in, an object that causes obstruction of the light, like a lampshade or parasol) made out of feather/s(shut) makes shade(shut "shaddow"). A shade makes shade and a shut makes shut. Shade can protect (i.e., shut out harsh rays), and bring comfort and relief, but it also is a shadow(tsel in Hebrew, from tsalal "dark"), and a shadow is a tselem("image") of what is in the light, so the image that is shade(tsel) is dark, and maybe a tsala("lame") image and can be the cause of tsela("stumbling, limping, fall"). Remember Eve was fashioned from the tsala("rib, side;" "hillside" [so perhaps similar in the concept to the feminine and masculine channels "sides" in the body Ida and Pingala Nadis]) of Adam as he slept and was the cause of his stumbling(tsela), and a sideways glance from God as well(but they weren't trying to rib him, it was a very serious matter). Furthermore, shade reveals the fact that protection was needed from the sun and heat to begin with, and that the object which makes a shadow is itself not the sun.
Then the LORD God provided a leafy plant and made it grow up over Jonah to give shade for his head to ease his discomfort, and Jonah was very happy about the plant. But at dawn the next day God provided a worm, which chewed the plant so it withered. When the sun rose, God provided a scorching east wind, and the sun blazed on Jonah's head so that he grew faint. He wanted to die, and said, "It would be better for me to die than to live."But God said to Jonah, "Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?""It is," he said. "And I'm so angry I wish I were dead." Jonah 4:6-9
Shade reveals weakness and this brings about judgment(like at night, when the sun, Ra, enters the Amduat and journeys through the hours of darkness to the hall of Ma'at [for judgment]) it is the time of seeing the truth(from PIE *deru- "be firm, solid, steadfast," like tree, so maybe we could say treeth). We might say this time in the dark causes one *derk- "to see"(Ancient Greek dérkomai δέρκομαι "to see, see clearly"). People can be ashamed of their shadow selves and think that because they have a shadow they are bad.
And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool [ruach "breath, wind, spirit"] of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. Genesis 3:8
Perhaps God was walking in the "truth" of the day, that is, the feather of Ma'at was a flutter? Breezes cool the skin, but they also fan flames. Knowing the truth can be either comforting or disturbing. Sometimes the truth hurts. The sun can scorch flesh, but truth can fan an inner fire that burns. The truth that the knowledge of good and evil provides definitely hurts, it brings itstsabon "pain, toil"Genesis 3:17, from atsab[like aw! stab] "hurt, pain, grieve," but this toil ends up being the cause of the crown(Estabon "crown," from Greek Stephanos) and glory of man, i.e., the happy fault, even if it is a crown of thorns. This itstsabon can be = It's a bon, i.e. "good" or a boon, a bonus. Or itstsabon can be a strong "bone" lessen of the tree, back breaking labor. It is a [purifying] puro/pyro πυρόω "fire"– fying labor.
Etseb means "idol; labor, toil, sorrow, hurt, pain; hard earned goods." Etseb is also "vessel, jar, earthen vessel," otseb(varriation of atsab) is "idol"(as a fashioned image); mental bodily pain, sorrow, wicked," from atsab "to shape, fashion; carve," as well as atsab "displease; hurt, pain, grieve; troubled; image, idol," and atseb or atstsab is "workers, toilers." So the "carvers" make idols(images) and displease God, and therefore they toil and have sorrow in their minds, and the vessels of their bodies experience pain. But isn't the toil itself the making of idols? Toil begets toil? It seems that the ones who toil are the ones who fashion idols, they are not idle like Abel who pleased God, but they(like Cain) work hard and grieve God, interesting! Like Mary was idle at the feet of Jesus, but Martha was the one who was causing grief(atsab "idol"). Martha tried to take a stab at Mary, but Jesus would have none of it. Martha was just being an image(perhaps a shadow) of goodness. However, it was not what was really good. Her "idol," i.e. work/ toil, was taking precedence over spending time with Jesus, and it made her feel righteous, but that's not the way to happiness.
one thing is needful. Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her. Luke 10:42Mary was doing the better thing. She was taking enjoyment in sitting at the feet of Jesus. She chose the good portion, which is a better portion than toil. Better, which means good-er, is from Proto-Germanic *batizo- said to be [perhaps] from PIE root *bhad- "good." What?! Bad is good and good is bad. What is going on? Husbands sometimes say their wives are their the better half. Is the wife the better half, or is she the "badder" half? To be "bad" can be meant in a good way like when we say, "She's bad!," "a badasss!" The man was made *bhad-der and better by the union with his other half, his tsela "other side" i.e. his iṣṣa "wife," maybe his shadow, or tsalal tselem "darkening/shading image".
It says in Genesis that the Lord God took from the adam, one missal'otaw("of his ribs"), and closed up the flesh underneath Genesis 2:21. This is kind of funny because mistletoe which grows in oak trees was a most sacred plant of the druids and was ceremoniously harvested and used to insure fertility, among other uses. In Brittany it is called herb de la croix "herb of the cross", and in the 14th century it was called lignum crucis "wood of the cross" from a legend about it providing the wood of the Cross and then being denigrated to a parasite. After the LORD God took missal'otaw(of his [Adam's] ribs) he fashioned it into a woman so the man would not be bad which is "alone, isolated, separation" in biblical Hebrew, from badad "shoot, straggler, alone".
Is that why a person is hit with a shoot or switch when they are bad? Getting spanked and whipped does cause a feeling of being alone (bad) :(
Ash Smaker Spanking Paddle with Holes, $60 by SourdoughBreads, free shipping, Gift-wrap available, Amozon.com, doh!
Etsah has the meaning of "council, advice, design, plan, scheme" in biblical Hebrew (from yaats "counselor, advisors, give advice," so maybe that is yah + ats[perhaps a hard substance like tree(ets) or bone(etsem), like az / oz "strong, mighty, power"], i.e., "strength of Yah[the LORD]"). So did God have a tree(ets) in the center of the garden, an ets of strength(oz) and council(etsah), or might we say a "plan / scheme" in the center of the garden? The scheme of the knowledge of the good and evil? In other words, a tree of good(*bhad-) and atsab(toil, sorrow), given to man, the atsab(image), or earthen vessel fashioned by God.
So is it good or *bhad to leave your father and mother? Perhaps it is bad if you are alone, but if you have your helpmeet then it can be a good thing. The tree was the strength which comes from the knowledge of BOTH good and evil. It is a tree with a shining(*aus) hard wood lesson (like -*os "ash(n.2),"or *ost / -os "bone"). Like the light of dawn that only comes as a result of the emergence from darkness. It burns and bites, but in the end you are better. Ouch!
From life's school of war: what does not destroy me makes me stronger. -Twilight of the Idols, Maxims and Arrows 8th, Friedrich NietzscheSo the hard thing / pains(etsem) we endure, this plan(etsah) of God, is the backbone(atseh) of our existence, i.e., the esher / asher "happy" fault. But also the cause of our disgrace or shame, it is also the cause of our need to be covered / clothed. Shame is from PIE *skem-, from *kem- "to cover." In Hebrew asham is "guilt, shame, guilt offering, sin, wrong." It's a shame that asham bars us from the garden, but in the end we become truly happy.
Dreary is from Old English dreorig meaning "sad, sorrowful," originally "cruel, bloody, blood-stained," from dreor "gore, blood," like being made out of the "bloody"(dam "blood") earth(adamah), or red(adom) earth, into an earthen vessel(etseb), i.e. a thing hardened(as in a fired clay vessel) or a thing that is hard(a wooden vessel). The itstabon(toil) that was a result of eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge was dreary drudgery. It caused atsehbeth "pain" for Adam and Eve. They had to endure the drudgery of the toil they brought upon themselves, but it finally was nothing more than the truth, or what was true, i.e., daath "knowledge"(the daath that brought death). It was a full knowledge. The opposite pole of the beautiful and pleasant is pain and ugliness. In order to really know the one, you have to also know the other.
Drudgery is from Old English dreogan "work, suffer, endure." Old English dragan "to drag, draw, protract." A dragon is a wise, sagacious, "sharp" creature. But is the life of the dragon a drag or drudgery? Maybe it is better to be innocent and not know, than to have to be the one who knows; who draws the bow, and lets loose the sharp arrow of truth that can be such an agent of pain. It's not a good way to get people to like you. Isn't it better to be blissfully ignorant? Think of young children, they don't know that Santa Claus isn't real, so they have a lot of fun, but then it can be a drag when they learn the truth. However, then when they have the knowledge, they can scheme(etsah) with their parents for other unsuspecting innocent children, and make the magic happen. This can be looked at in two ways. You can love it or hate it. The truth(tree-th) can ruin the fun, or you can get over it, and not let it ruin the fun. You can let yourself exist in the messy organic space of being a responsible, wise adult, but also allowing the childlike spirit of innocence to remain; wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove. We are not simple monotone creatures who are made to be in the image of the likeness of God.
And does God labor? He did rest on the seventh day of creation. So he must have been working, but his work was not drudgery. There is the saying, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
Tom Sawyer (Whitewashing the Fence ), Norman Rockwell, 1936
Work and activity is an opposite polarity of leisure and rest. The oscillation between the two creates the vibration and movement necessary for harmony. Lack of variation leads to hell. Too much work is hell, and too much leisure is hell. Too much hot is hell, and to much cold is hell. Too much good is bad, and not enough *bhad- is bad. So a certain kind of labor is necessary and good. A labor of love feeds the soul just as well as rest and leisure, but each in its proper place and time.
"My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work." John 4:34We can know that if our work is "work" and not pleasant, then we are not doing the work of the LORD. It would seem to be, rather, the labor that is idolatry(etseb). This is why Cain did not please the Lord. He thought suffering hard work toil was righteousness.
Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28And what do we need to do in order to receive this light yoke? We only need to ask.
Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and never doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, "Be taken up and cast into the sea," it will be done. And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith. Matthew 21:21-22When you ask or "ax" something of someone(ax was an acceptable literary variant until c. 1600) you are cutting the strength of the person you are asking. To ax is to cut the tree / ash *os or os, i.e., the marrow. How do we ask something of someone?... Would you? "Hey tree, would you lend me a limb?"
Being asked can be kind of wood-y. Being asked can require a piece of you in the form of time, energy or money, like, "Hey mom, would you mind watching the triplets for a few days while I go on vacation?" Or there are annoying "Would you rather..." questions like this one I just took off the internet(they are like an ax to the brain), "Would you rather wake up naked and sore, without any memory of the night before next to the Burger King telling you, 'You had it your way', or wake up next to Ronald McDonald telling you that, 'You were loving it.'?" Lol. Cut it out! Wood is from Old English wudu, earlier widu "tree, trees, forest, grove; the substance(or self) of the tree." Would you like a piece of me?
When you care about someone, you don't mind giving of yourself, in fact, its your pleasure. Will is another way we ask questions. Will(v.1) is from Old English willan, wyllan "to wish, desire; be willing; be used to; be about(past tense wold)."
When someone asks nicely it is endearing.
One possible origin of the name, Oscar, is said to be Gaelic os "deer" + cara "friend / lover." Is that, deer friend, the same as a dear friend? Os as "deer" in Gaelic comes from the idea of the breath of life being in animals[os is also the preposition "above, over; superior" in Gaelic and is a root in words such as "breeze(osag) and sigh(osnadh)]. This is similar to deer which is said to be perhaps from PIE *dheusom "creature that breathes," from *dheu (1) "cloud, breath". Oscar is also said to come from Old English Osgar "god's spear," os "god" + gar "spear." Os as deity is similar to the Old Norse áss "god"(æsir pl.) which is thought to come from a Proto-West Germanic root(*ansu-) meaning "life force"(this is reminiscent of Elijah encountering the presence of the LORD as the "still small voice" / "gentle whisper"1 Kings 19:12). This concept, then, of God's presence, i.e., the presence of Os, being os, "breath/ life force" would connect it in concept to the word os (ora pl.) as "mouth" in Latin, the mouth being the place where the breath, and words of command and creation(strong osseous words) come from.
Dear is from Old English deore "precious, valuable, costly, loved, beloved" (Middle Dutch dure, Dutch duur). Because those things which are hard (German hart) to attain are precious to us and dear to our hearts. So things that are dear are os "deer," like the animal(hart) that you hunt for food and provides you with nourishment for your labor, and the gift of life itself. Hard is from Old English heard "solid, firm, not soft," also "severe, rigorous, cruel," from root *kar- / *ker- "hard." Like being in the solid form of flesh, rather than spirit. Those in spirit do not have a care in the world. But those in the flesh toil and have many cares. Care(n.) is from Old English caru, cearu (from same root as Gothic kara "sorrow, trouble, care"). The things we care about cause us the most trouble. The things close to our hearts(kardia Gk.) are are often hard to acquire, from Latin ad- "to" + quaerere "to seek, obtain," (quaerere also "to ask, seek, look for, strive, endeavor").
What we attain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: 'Tis dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods… – The Crisis, Thomas Pain, Dec. 23, 1776A query, from Latin quaere "ask, inquire"(form of quaerere), is a question. It can be hard to find the quarry(n.1) "prey"(hard-sought). Sometime you have to dig deep(quarry[n.2]). It takes a seeker some one with sagacity(both words from *sag- "track down, seek out"), to finally hit the mark. And maybe a wielder of the spear made from hard wood / ash (fraxinus /æsc "wood; spear"), or someone skilled with bow and arrow(saggita); someone with mental strength, durability(like the oak), flexibility(like the bow made from ash / *os), and sharpness(like an arrow). In other words, strong(oz) like the gods(ōs).
In biblical Hebrew koach is "ability, might, strength, power," which is similar in meaning to Hebrew oz "strength, might, power." Koach(pronounced ko'-akh) sounds similar to cork. Cork is from, Latin querqus "oak", from PIE root *kwerkwu-, a form of *perkwu- "oak". The covering(cork) adds to the strength(koach) of the tree, like corium "skin, derma", from Latin corium "skin, hide, leather," which is etemologically related to cortex "outer shell husk," from Latin cortex "bark of a tree,"[both from a different root than cork: *ker-] Fir "pine tree," from Proto-Germanic *furkon is also said to be from PIE *perkwu- "oak." And fur is the covering or corium on animals, from Old French forrer, fourrer "cover with fur, line(clothing)," from furre "sheath, scabbard"(via notion of "covering"), from PIE *pa- "protect, feed." So the covering on trees, or animals can be said to be one of their strengths. The corium "skin, hide, leather" or cortex "bark" provides a protective layer like armor. It provides an outer core of strength that protects the inner core(or "heart" which is cor in Latin) of strength, i.e., the wood, bone, or substance.
Cork Oak Cross Section, Quecus suber
The Querquetulanae were nymphs of the oak grove in Roman mythology. Like the Dryads in Greek mythology were nymphs of the drys δρυς "oak" and the Meliae were dryades(wood nymphs) of the ash.
Dryads, Paul Delvaux, 1966
The feminine / yin / moon / bone / tree strength is a mighty strength as well as the male / yang / sun / rock strength. They are equal and opposite. And a unified harmony between the two is absolutely necessary for happiness. If one side of the body is dishonored in any way, the whole body is dishonored. And if one half is honored over the other, there is not balance. If each man(adam) could get this right in themselves on the inside, i.e. the marriage of the polarity of masculine and feminine in themselves, then they would all be strong, sturdy, mighty, shinning, excellent individuals, i.e. Christs in the world, and there wouldn't be any problems anymore. End of story. What is inside is reflected outside. Done.
This was hard work… but I enjoyed doing it ;)
Dryads, Paul Delvaux, 1966
The feminine / yin / moon / bone / tree strength is a mighty strength as well as the male / yang / sun / rock strength. They are equal and opposite. And a unified harmony between the two is absolutely necessary for happiness. If one side of the body is dishonored in any way, the whole body is dishonored. And if one half is honored over the other, there is not balance. If each man(adam) could get this right in themselves on the inside, i.e. the marriage of the polarity of masculine and feminine in themselves, then they would all be strong, sturdy, mighty, shinning, excellent individuals, i.e. Christs in the world, and there wouldn't be any problems anymore. End of story. What is inside is reflected outside. Done.
This was hard work… but I enjoyed doing it ;)
This was my fav: Horses are very djed, aye?
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised you didn't discuss the druids much on this one, but it's always fascinating to see where the trail leads. Oh, and thanks for the meaning of life summary paragraphs thrown in there too--very succinct, bravo.
I'm also finding it pleasantly comforting that, in short, the meanings of everything come round to the same place eventually. Are you noticing that too?
Yes, most definitely! and thank you! - about the druids, that is a little surprising. I'm sure it will come up at some point. I have to just listen to the spirit. I don't dictate, neither do I know where these will go when I'm starting them. And as I go it is a vast webb-y labyrinth with 10 tantalizing paths at each turn, but I have to let them alone and find my way by the string, otherwise I'll get hopelessly lost. At some point another string will lead me there on a different day. However, the temptation is strong to just run completely wild, but it has to be reigned in for the sake of communication. I run wild for myself without bounds and see exiting things and places, but if I were to describe where I'd been and what I saw, most people would think I was telling an idle tale, and even for those who listen, worlds fail. So I have to try to build something, and maybe the little pieces will make something, but even if they don't, the process is not lost on me.
ReplyDeleteL. Wrote:
"It's interesting that for not planning where this was going, the timeliness with the sun's ingress of Gemini. I see sections that connect with Gemini energies that can be described as being about the balance within ourselves and our balance outside with the world."
I was thinking that was interesting too! Everything in its right place.