Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Star — XVII

 After a fall you are humbled, you find yourself in the depths, low, in the darkness among the settling ash and embers. What is a welcome after this fiery desolation? Water! A cleansing rain from the heavens

The Halloween Tarot - artwork by Kipling West
The Star (Gargoyle) - "As gargoyles channel water, this card offers new hope . . ."

In The Halloween Tarot, The Star is pictured as the GargoyleGargoyle is:
"grotesque carved waterspout," connected to the gutter of a building to throw down water clear of the wall, common in 13c.-16c. buildings; late 13c., gargoile, also gargule, etc., "carved mouth of a rainspout, a gargoyle," from Old French gargole, gargoule, "throat;" also "carved downspout," in the form of a serpent or some other fanciful shape, also from Medieval Latin gargola, gargulio -EO
A gargoyle is a "garglinggula "throat"(in Latin), as a water spout that is shaped into a gurgling gullet. So a gargoyle guides or channels the water from heaven/sky to the earth. And we could say The Star is a channel by which the "waters" of the heavens are connected to the earth. In this way The Star is a canal or pole that connects the head with the body. Canal:
early 15c., in anatomy, tubular passage in the body through which fluids or solids pass;" mid-15c., "a pipe for liquid;" from French canal, chanel "water channel, tube, pipe, gutter" (12c.), from Latin canalis "water pipe, grove, channel," noun use of adjective from canna "reed"... [OE]
Thoth Tarot Deck-Alister Crowley 
The Star - "This card is attributed to the letter , as has been explained elsewhere. It refers to the Zodiacal sign of Aquarius, the water bearer. The picture represents Nuith, our Lady of Stars . . ." p. 109 Book of Thoth

Crowley pictures The Star as the Ancient Egyptian Goddess "Nuith" also known as "Nut/Nuit," who was a goddess of the celestial waters, or cosmic ocean, in other words, the "sky", often depicted as a woman with stars covering her body(as the night sky), sometimes as the sacred tree, and other times as the celestial cow. 

One way to spell "cow" used the nefer/nfr hieroglyph + "f"(viper/ft) + "r"(mouth/ra) + "t" [feminine ending] + cow determinative. 
Neferet "cow"

If a seated woman determinative🧘‍♀️ was placed at the end instead of the cow determinative🐄, the meaning was, rather, neferet "beautiful [woman]." However, considering that certain neferet "beautiful" female goddesses(such as Nuit) were portrayed as the celestial cow at times, then the cow in actuality is sometimes actually a "beautiful" woman. 

However, the concept of nefer really had deeper meaning than the English word "beautiful" usually contains. The concept of nefer in ancient Egypt encompassed the idea of perfection and completeness "perfect, complete, good, pleasant, well, beautiful." The symbol is thought to represent a trachea and sheep's heart. The reason for which is said to be uncertain(this question was explored in a previous post, Kala the Wild). 

The nefer symbol can be seen directly next to the cow's face.

If we say that God spoke the universe into being and 
"it was good[towb/tobe]," like the ancient Egyptian primordial god, Ptah, who conceived of creation in his heart and spoke it into being, then Nut who is our portion(nw 'pot') of the universe is a representation of what is good, i.e. nefer, and the nefer hieroglyph could be representative of the heart and windpipe of the creator god(who at times is portrayed as a sheep).

Taurus, the constellation of the bull, the astrological sign ruled by the "beautiful woman" Venus, is associated with the throat in medical astrology.

The bull is shown at the person's neck.

The throat has a canna "reed" of sorts in the form of the trachea. The throat connects the lower chakras with the upper chakras.

The throat chakra, Vishuddha, is the fifth primary chakra associated with the color blue and the sound/mantra 'ham/hum/hmm'.

The throat chakra is located in the throat. The Vishuddha chakra is considered to be the energy center that fuels your identity, your voice, and your truth.

Its name comes from its particular function of purifying toxicity that we 'breathe' in. This toxicity can be more than physical, like thoughts and ideas. 'Vishuddha', in the Sanskrit language, means detoxed.

It is derived from the two Sanskrit words, visha (poison) and shuddhi (purification). This chakra is associated with space or ether. It is considered the be the source of the purifying force that removes all toxicity that we accumulate over time. Vishuddha Mantra,

Another etymology states,

In Sanskrit, the throat chakra is called the vishuddha chakra. Shuddhi translates as "pure," an vi strengthens the word; therefore, vishuddha means especially pure.

So, Vishuddha is either the "purification of toxins" or "very pure." In this way this chakra that is associated with the "neferet" (celestial cow, Taurus), could be said to be the chakra that makes one to be nefer "good/well," by removing toxins. 

We both eat and breathe toxins into the body from the throat, and vomiting or throwing up(through the throat) is an acrid('sharp;' violent) way of cleansing toxins(poison) from the body.

The Mesopotamian goddess of physicians, healing arts and medical practices was called Gula meaning "Great" in Sumerian (sometimes connected with BaU-Baba-Gula).

Depicted as a lady with stars.
The G.O.A.T. with a goat and a dog. BaU, wow!

As a goddess of healing, this great lady(gula) must have been adept at preparing curatives that enter the body through the gula "throat," such as pharmaceuticals(i.e. poison "medical drink"), and perhaps what effects the health of Vishuddi, throat chakra.

The title of GU.LA is also used for the constellation Aquarius, the water bearer (with water poring out of the "gula" of his pitcher) 

Aquarius is identified as GU.LA "The Great One" in Babylonian star catalogues and represents the god Ea himself, who is commonly depicted holding an overflowing vase.  wikipedia, Aquarius (constellation)

This flowing water symbolizes a cleansing, life giving or living water[as discussed here He's a Magic Man], a most potable drink(poison/potion). A drink appropriately meted can be medicine, but taken in the wrong quantity the same drink can be deadly. Even water can be a poison/toxin if consumed in too great a measure. 

Toxic is by way of French from Latin toxicum "poison,"

from Greek toxikon (pharmakon) "(poison) for use on arrows," from toxicon, neuter of toxicos "pertaining to arrows or archery," and thus to a bow, from toxon "bow,"[*or arc] which has been regarded as a loan-word from Scythian. [OE]

*The Scythians were feared and admired for their prowess in war and, in particular, for their horsemanship. Scythian -Brittanica

The Scythians would have been centaur-like in their appearance riding horses into battle.  The Greek name for the centaur constellation Sagittarius, the "archer," is Τοξότης Toxótēs the "archer," and since an archer is an "arc-er"(arcus "bow, arch), perhaps we should say an archer is a "bow-er". In this respect Sagittarius is the Great Bower or Bow Gula.

Chiron(Χείρων Kheiron, from χείρ "hand"[yad, which sometimes can mean "finger," which looks like a pointer. So what's the point? Hands have 10 saggitae]) the centaur son of Cronus/Saturn and the Oceanid Philyra[not his wife], therefore, brought into being by the folly of this philandering 'filly', is Sagittarius / Toxótēs.

Sagittarius/Toxótēs and the astrological symbol for the constellation, a crossed arrow(sagitta)

One of the most fascinating myths about Chiron involves Heracles and Prometheus. While visiting the centaur, Heracles accidentally pricked Chiron with one of his arrows poisoned with the blood of the Hydra. The poison's virulence made the wound incurable, despite Chiron's skill[*sagacity] in healing, and the centaur was doomed to an eternity of agony. So Chiron went to Zeus [*his half-brother] and offered to give up his immortality in exchange for the freedom of Prometheus. The king of the gods agreed, Prometheus was freed, and Chiron's soul was placed among the stars, where he became the constellation, Sagittarius. -Madeline Miller

So, the archer, Toxótēs(Chiron), was pricked by a toxikon(poison) and being that he was the sagacious centaur who was taught the arts of music, archery, medicine and prophesy by his foster father, Apollo, this set him on the journey of the "wounded healer". Therefore he was very handy(skilled) at medicine, as his name implies. 

An "archer," sagittarius, is one who is "pertaining to sagittas 'arrows,'" therefore toxótēs, is one who is toxikon "pertaining to toxa "bows" or archery(bowery). Another Latin word for "archer" being arcuarius "maker of/pertaining to "bows"(arcus)." Therefore toxin, i.e. poison/medicine, could be said to be that which pertains to THE saggitarius /(arcuarius which is probably too close sounding to aquarius "pertaining to water") "archer," who is Sagittarius, i.e., Chiron. I love what you do but you know that you're toxic!

Things are rarely simply always 'good' or 'bad' in and of themselves, or are 'only a poison/toxin' and never a 'medicine'. And medicine itself is often a poison/toxin, and sometimes intoxication is a medicine. Sometimes wounding is a type of medicine. Not only was Chiron a pharmakeus "druggist/poisoner,"who used pharmaceuticals, which are pharmakeia  "a healing or harmful medicine; a drug, poisonous potion" to heal others, but he himself was (accidentally) wounded by the pharmakeia/poison/toxin (Hydra's[water snakevenomous blood) on the tip of Heracles' arrow which proved to be an incurable wound for, Chiron, the immortal son of Cronus. However, in his quest for his own cure, he became a great healer.

Caduceus, Κηρύκιον Karúkeion "herald's staff or wand," or perhaps we could say a "stylized stylus/stilus."

In ancient Egyptian sšr is "arrow" and sšꜣt meaning 'female scribe'(so perhaps the one who writes/scrivens with a sharp pointed object like an arrow, or shoots her words[hopefully not from the hip]) is the name of the goddess of writing, wisdom and knowledge. Her name, Seshat, means "female scribe," but it is similar to the word for arrow and therefore, her name calls to mind something piercing, acute, sharp and swift, like an arrow or the mind of someone with sagacity. So someone who is sagacious has a mind like an arrow. She's quite sharp. 

And dressed sharply as well, we might say. She and her priest's were known for wearing speckled cheetah robes. The priests of Seshat were the scribes/doctors of the 'church'(who would scribble prescriptions ℞, or spell out spells to be ingested). Seshat was "mistress of builders," she would assist in the "stretching of the cord/'sash'" for foundations of temple. She was considered the inventor of writing as "Mistress of the (scrolls)/library[called 'The House of Life']". So we might say is the inventor of archetypes "models", i.e., type/prototypes. She was also a measurer and time keeper, as seen below marking out notches on a palm frond.

Experts are not in agreement about what her enigmatic crown represents. Perhaps we could say her symbol is representative of the the axis/pole and the pole star. It is literally a 'pole' 'star' after all. And the so called 'horns' of her symbol, if imagined in 3D would make a bell or umbrella shape with a nub/knob/unbilicus/omphelos on top, and the word clock itself comes from the Latin clock "bell." The 'dome/bell' of the pole is a type of clock/time/record keeper. Which would tie her once again[as discussed in Eye of the Beholder], the the story of "Belle and the Beast," who had a magic miror/scrying mirror/black mirror, or perhaps we could say 'scribe-ing mirror.'

The Beast's enchanted rose was a clock of sorts.

The ark(Hebrew aron, Latin arca "chest, box, coffer, coffin, place for safe-keeping") of the covenant was both toxic, and a protective weapon, and God's arc/bow in the clouds was a sign of hope/health/safety to Noah and his ark(in Hebrew tebah "box built for protection[arca], and it was a "bear"[arkos] of a boat), but only after a very toxic watering(deluge); a real tower moment. 

Or the "sharp" like an arrow star of ancient Egypt, SopdetSpdt "srt thorn/acute/pointed, Sharp One"], aka, in latin, Sirius, "the Dog Star," was beloved in Egypt for her helical rising heralding the inundation of the Nile(which brought fertility to the soil), but was not viewed favorably by the Greeks due to her appearance during the "dog days of summer," when heat and illness flourished.

The words for bear (arkos) and ark (arca) can actually be connected through the constellation of Ursa Major[which is near the north celestial pole], due to the Arabic name for the constellation.

... from the Arabic term banāt na'sh al-kubra meaning 'the great daughters of the bier', for the Arabs regarded this figure not as a bear but as a bier [*something that bears] or coffin[*box]. They saw the tail of the bear as a line of three mourners (banāt, the daughters) leading the coffin, al-na'sh. Similarly, the seven stars making up the little dipper in Ursa Minor were known as the Little Daughters of the Bier.  Star Tales -Ursa Major/The Great Bear

So the "Big," the "Great," al-Kubra, constellation with a box/bier/arca/ark, which is roughly cubular in shape, is seen as an arkos "bear," Arktos Megele(Ursa Major), by the Greeks. So in English that would be bear and not a bier, box, or cube(however this bear is seen with her cub, Ursa Minor, which is a little cube). 

Although in The U.S. we call it the "Big Dipper," and the arc of the "handle" points to the star Arcturus(Arkturos "Guardian of the Bear"). The arc of the handle directs the eye to "the guardian," Arcturus.

The Big Dipper

It is also of note that this ark(bier) never dips into the sea(it is observed as circumpolar in most of the Northern Hemisphere), so it does stay safely "afloat" like Noah's ark. And Noah had three son's, which gave him three daughters(daughter's-in-law), banāttherefore three daughters aboard his ark, as well as three female mourners at his bier/funeral.

Noah's name comes from a word meaning "rest, repose"nuach . So the repose(funeral) of Noah/Noach, would be the nuach of Noach, or the noah of Noah, or simply the "Noah."And in Arabic, Arcturus, the "guardian" of Arktos[the Big Dipper], is as-simāk "the uplifted one," and it is one of the two stars called al-simāk "the uplifted ones," which isn't too far off by certain tongues and ears to Lamech/Lemek the "guardian" or father of Noah, whom Lamech named "rest." The son who was destined to in some way mitigate the curse of Adam.

he named him Noah, saying, "Out of the ground that the LORD has cursed this one shall bring us relief[*nacham] from our work and from the toil of our hands." Genesis 5:29 NRSCV

And Noah was given a sign of relief/nacham/noah, i.e., the bow[quesheth = Gk toxon], aka, said to be the "rainbow," after the flood(the toxic watering).

God said, "This is the sign[oth] of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set[nathan "placed"] my bow[quesheth] in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth." God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth."Genesis 9:12-17 NRSCV

So this could simply be talking about a rainbow, like we have been taught. However, perhaps it could mean more as well. Whenever "clouds" are brought over the earth, that can mean there is a "storm," or by extension some "disturbance," like a person with a "cloud hanging over their head." So clouds coming can metaphorically mean something like hard times or sadness. And since clouds can also by extension mean the "sky," if the arc/bow/toxon is seen in the "clouds," it could mean it is seen in the "sky/heavens." So when things seem bad we can look to the sky and see Sky/Heaven/God's oth, which is a covenant of safety and therefore rest(Noah) for our worried minds, and that sign is the bow/arc in the sky. And in times of darkness, i.e. night, 'the arc' could be the greater arc and the little arc traveling around the celestial pole, which never are "submerged beneath the ocean"/horizon, or never dip into the underworld.

In the time of Noah, if the year was 2472 BC, the prevailing pole star would have been Thuban of the constellation Draco, and not Polaris[stella polaris](which is a star at the tip of the handle of the Little Dipper), therefore in the time of Noah both the Great Arc and the Little Arc would have been circumnavigating the pervading pole star(Thuban) together, which itself was part of an even larger arc in the sky about which the whole heavens appeared to revolve. 

Given this hypothesis, that would make the 'sign from God' a great bow/arc in the sky, but this 'bow'/boa was known as the constellation of the 'dragon/snake'). So that would be bow/toxon 🌈 'good', or bow/toxon 🐍 'bad,' or neither/either good nor bad, like medicine💊💉/toxin☠️? 

Just as Moses raised up[hypso] the serpent[ophis] in the desert[eramos] [on a/the pole], so must the Son of Man be raised up John 3:14

Or if the bow was referencing the bows of the Big Dipper (which is an arc connected to an ark/arca) and the Little Dipper (a smaller arc connected to an ark/arca), that would be a double [rain]bow!! 🌈🌈 around the larger bow, Wow! {furthermore that would make the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper double (golden "advantageous, successful, promising") arches, namely, Big 'Mac' and Little 'Mac'}.

rough sketch of Thuban/Alpha Draconis as the north pole star c. 2000 BC.
Three Bows Kaleidoscoping about the celestial Pole.

The stars of the constellation of Hercules, the hero/giant of old, were the pole stars ≈ 10,000 BC - 6,000 BC(before the flood 2472 BC), before the pole shifted to the stars of Draco ≈ 5875 BC - 500 BC, when we could say, God, nathan "placed, appointed, assigned" the "bow" to be a sign in the sky in such a way that it never dipped below the horizon(because of its proximity to the prevailing celestial pole). 

The stars of the Hercules constellation look a bit like a flailing "giant" from a certain angle, like a giant getting drowned in the sea at the time of the 'flood'(when it dips into the sea), or perhaps, from a different perspective a dancing hero, who survived the flood in his ark, a sign of great jubilation! Huray!

This is actually technically an "upside-down" representation of Hercules. Iota Herculis(upper left) is considered to be at his foot.

It's a new dawn. It's a new day. It's a new life for me. . . and I'm feeling good!! 

Not to mention that both the Big Dipper and Little Dipper consist of seven stars, and the seventh day is the Sabbath, which is the day of rest(nuach). But it is a jubilant rest, not a fastidious rule following "rest," its a dancing nakedly(that is, making a scene, with "deep passion and exuberant worship" before the ark(at its joyous return) rest/sabbath. David did a 'psalm'-ba, before the ark, but his wife thought it was a samba / "stupid dance,"and hit the bazah "distain, content" ❌ on him for being a zampapalo "stupid man. " 2 Samuel 6:16

When Iotas Herculis was the pole star the whole world would have looked to be revolving around this figure of "Hercules" the "hero," with bows encompassing him, dancing(or hopping with hope) around him in the sky! A real Hopping-Johnny, a jambalaya, jamming with the jamb[French for "leg, shank"], the Big Dipper, or thigh [of the god Set] / foreleg kampē "bending"/kampas(compass) "curved," that the ancient Egyptians said represented the stars of the Big Dipper. And the Aztecs, related the stars of the Big Dipper to the god Tezcatlipoka "smoking(therefore obscure/cloudy/enigmamirror(often made of obsidian/black)(and mirrors "bend/bow" light),"

photo by Julie O.
Three different uses for obsidian 1.) mirror/scrying 2.) knives/arrows/tools 3.) ornaments

the powerful trickster god, who got into a jam with his jamb "leg" that either got jammed in the jam/door to the underworld, or the mouth of the crocodile/monster, Cipactli, which foot is frequently depicted as replaced with an obsidian(bow shaped) blade

It was said of Tezcatlipoka, who looks like he's doing a polka(pole-ka?) But definitely a pole dance, or a box[arc] step waltz, that he became the god in charge after Quezalcoatl. The baton/wand(of good or evil) was passed to him, after Quezalcoatl "the winged serpent"(who had a coat of feathers) departed (in shame?)
The divine king brought blessings to the earth, improved agriculture, made the arts flourish and covered palaces with jewels and precious feather decorations. He taught a philosophy of gentleness and austere asceticism, offering blood from his ears and limbs daily to the gods in the outer heaven. But when the revolutions of time brought the stars into a pattern which meant that his planet was setting, he was tempted.

The goddess approached him and visited his court, bringing with her many magicians and enchanters, among whom was the black Tezcatlipoca. At a festival she offered the god-king a bowl of alcoholic pulque prepared from the agave heart. Then as he became intoxicated, she offered him hallucinogenic mushrooms and induced a trace-like ecstasy in which he abandoned his austerity and raped her.

On awakening, appealed at his break with the ascetic code of priestly behavior, Quetzalcoatl left Mexico. He gave over his power to Tezcatlipoca and sailed into the sun, where his heart burnt up and ascended again as the morning star. teacher

Whoa, was that a near death experience(NDE)? This certainly looks like Quezalcoatl's setting "planet/wandering star" might have been the star Thuban in the tail of Draco(the serpent in the sky), before it was displaced by the new 'prince/king/star/planet, Kocheb(Kokab the "star, prince), in the Little Dipper around 500 BC, when the stars of the Big Dipper/Tezcatlipoka would have been raising to prominence(even though they are not considered to be any of the pole stars). Meanwhile, the head of the serpent would have been dipping lower. The bow/arc of the boa bowing to Kocheb" his arch 🌈 enemy.

However, before the time of Quetzalcoatl, the Hercules constellation to the Aztecs was Heuhueteotl "Old Old God," who was associated with the pole star(which would have been a long(old) long(old) time ago pole star, when he was like the jol/yule one, Jólnir, aka Odin, the Hanged Man, who hung himself from a branch of Yggdrasil, pierced himself with his spear, and peered downward into the shadowy waters below[part of the revolution he/Herculis/Heuhueteotl is upside-down], LATER Odin "dressed as an old man" sacrificed one of his eyes for a drink from Mimir's well, 
"'The price is one of your eyes Alfather. You must pluck it out and drop it in the well so that all that stare into its waters will see the sacrifice of Odin,' Mimir replied"
Which would be like the 'eye' in Draco circling the pole, like Quetzalqoatl, thus representing the wheel of the year. Therefore the figure of the Hero/'Hercules,' would have lost his place as the representative of the actual celestial pole over time, as he got 'old'(as the pole shifted toward Thuban[Draconis], then toward Polaris[Ursae Minoris]). 

So this jubilant[He ה], whoo hoo, shout for joy or a yowlhallelujah  one crying[boaó] in the wilderness/desert, "help," turning to ----> hope), figure high in the sky, 

From Gardiner's Sign List. Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs
Perhaps representative of the ancient pole constellation. Noah/Gilgamesh/Hercules

was the hero(deity) of a certain age, Heuheuteotl/Jólnir. Pretty awesome! 

The Little Dipper to the ancient Egyptians was a jackal which would relate it to the jackal headed funerary god of the Old Kingdom Anubis/Anpu/Inpu, depicted in art dating back to as early as the First Dynasty (c. 3100 BC - c. 2900 BC), said to mean 'a royal child,' therefore a prince. But the name is also associated with the word inp "to decay, or maybe we should say to "fall, sink, decline, parish" like a cadaver. The ritual adze used in the "Opening of the Mouth" ceremony preformed at funerals, looks like the shape of the Little Dipper in Ursa Minor. 

From the tomb of Set I, photo William Petty

Little Dipper of Ursa Minoris with Thuban as Pole Star

In the most remote times of ancient Egypt, this 'Little' lowly star cluster would have been 'fallen' or in its 'fall' during the time of the giants, gibbor, the mighty ones, heros of old. So, it would have been doubly humbled. 
But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity. Psalm 37:11 NIV
As of now, everything is under this bowen "thumb," in the sky.

18,000  years ago the pole star was not in a bow shape cluster, it would have appeared to be Daneb, the "tail" of the swan, Cygnus, the Northern Cross. In 12,000 BC the pole star would have been Vega [as seen in the pole star chart above and dates here](and it will be seen as the pole star again around the year 13,727 AD), at this time Hercules would have been dancing around this axis while the stars of the two dippers would have been dipping further away from the pole. However, as time marched on the stars of the dippers would have appeared to have been moving toward the pole, thus raising them in prominence or placement/assignment [nathan] in the sky around the time of the Biblical flood(2472 BC), and by the time of Plato(400 BC) the pole appeared closest to Kochab meaning 'planet'('wandering') or 'star' (Beta Ursa Minoris) = the 'pole star'[at the time]and so was newly touching the Little Dipper, aka the ark/basket/crib. So, Kochab was the ANTEchrist pole star.

"Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star[astéra= kokab 'a star, a prince'] as it rose, and we have come to worship him." Mt. 2:2 NLT

In the years surrounding 0 AD the pole would have appeared to be circumnavigated by the box/ark/basket/"manger" portion of the Little Dipper, so the pole, which HAD been Kochab "THE Star" of the Little Dipper, would have come to 'noach in the manger/ark,' or been encribbed in the Little Townhome of Bethlehem "House/aka, Crib of Bread/Food," i.e., a manger.

O little town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth 
The everlasting light [the'North Star that never sets]
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight

For Christ is born of Mary
And gathered all above
While mortals sleep, the angels keep
Their watch of wondering love.
O morning stars together
Proclaim thy holy birth
And praises sing to God the King
And peace to men on earth 

How silently how silently
The wondrous gift is giv'n
So God imparts to human hearts 
The blessings of His heaven
No ear may hear His coming,
But in this world of sin
Where meek souls will receive Him still
The dear Christ enters in.

Where children pure and happy
Pray to the blessed Child
Where Misery cries out to Thee
Son of the undefiled
Where Charity stands watching
And faith holds wide the door
The dark night wakes, the glory breaks

 As of today it is almost perfectly ascended to the tip of the Little Dipper's handle, like the tip of the wick of a (Roman)candle of the 'birthday cake'(i.e., Christcake, the bread in the basket). "TNT! I'm dynamite!"

So it is true that the bows(dippers) have been continually set higher in prominence in the sky since the time of Noah. As of now, as the placement of the pole continues to shift further, as time rolls on, true north will approach Gamma Cephei in the system called Er Rai/ar-rāi from Arabic meaning"the Shepard" in ± 4000 years.  

"'But you, Bethlehem["house of bread"/"crib of bread"], in the land of Judah, are by no means least[little] among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.'" Mt. 2:6 NIV

Which is also interesting because this "shepherd," Cepheus, looks like a forked object, like a tuning fork, or the forked was scepter of ancient Egypt which is an enigmatic emblem and symbol that portrayed the "Set animal/Typhonian beast." The last time this constellation contained the pole star was round 22,000 BCE. When The Shepherd was the pole star constellation, it would have been seen in the "desert"(ruled by the god Set) of the sky, the North which is the left of the east(rising sun), and is a bit Saturnian in that the stars there can act like a (counter-clockwise/backwards/black mirror of the ecliptic)clock which revolves around the celestial pole. So Set, god of chaos, would have been the *di-mon/time keeper. And he is a god who is demonized. Especially when your alarm is set for before dawn 😉.

So, if this constellation of Cepheus was traveling around the tip of this "V" ✌️with Errai/Gamma Cephei as the pole star, then in this ancient time, the polar "clock" had the look of something like a fork🤘 or the strange triangular ears and elongated face shape of Set and the set animal, Sha, and the "ears" mesedger, or keras/qeren"horns" would work like the hands of a clock. [think of viewing it at one time, making a mental note of that placement, then seeing it later and noting the difference between the two "hands"/ears later].

The star of Cepheus(Κηφεύς Kepheús ), who in mythology was the pater "father" of Andromeda, so the "head," i.e., Peter, the 'rock', also resembles the BenBen which was said to be the primordial mound associated with Ptah.
or an obelisk, from Greek obiliskos "little spit, leg of compass, needle." 

A Compass, photo by Julie O.

And if it is compared next to the path of the celestial North Pole, this obelisk of Cepheus certainly would be seen to be rotating like the needle of a compass. At first like the fork, then as time went on encompassing the path of true north.

A rough sketch of the pole stars and the path of true north, by Julie O.

This also leads to wonder if the stars of Cepheus turned out to be a guiding light for the Polynesians who are thought to have founded Hawaii. The kāhili, the royal standard, looks similar in shape to the constellation Cepheus. 

And their crown is a famously arch/bow shaped headdress, mahiole.

While Polynesia is at 16.8395° South, 148.3717° W, and Cepheus is not visible, as they sailed northwest into the 'dark,' the unknown, the 'desert' of the open ocean, they would have started to see 'new' stars. When they got to -10° from the equator the northern pole stars would have started to become visible, prominently the stars of Cepheus and Draco. Hawaii is at 19.8987° North, 155.6659° W.

The galactic latitude of Gamma Cephei is 15. 31°. So if I'm imagining this correctly, the stars would have led them towards the point on the 'V', i.e., the compass arrow, ascending on the northern horizon. Kingman Reef 6.23° N 162.25° W is an atoll with only .01 square miles of land which is half way between the Cook Islands and Hawaii, is less than -10° off of the latitude of  the big island.

Globe, photo by Julie O.

And these islands are primordial mounds of sorts, which would make them Benben /Cepheus/'the rock' rising out of the water. . . in the middle of f*cking nowhere, i.e., in the middle of Nun.
Nun an aspect of Heh

At the supposed time of Noah, the polar star would have been Thuban which actually makes the constellation Draco rotating around the celestial pole look a lot like the peculiar animal of Set, the snake-bow/boa-bow. Wow again! The large bow looks like the throat/gula of the 'dog.' With the 'fork'/obelisk of the primordial pole stars of Cepheus visible below his 'nose.'

A rough sketch of the stars at the north celestial pole. If rotating around Thuban, Alpha Draconis(the third star up in this picture) in Draco.
The Hebrew word "tsaphon" primarily denotes the direction "north." It is used in the Bible to describe the geographical orientation, often in relation to the land of Israel. In a broader sense, "tsaphon" can also symbolize mystery or hiddenness,

[820] But when Zeus had driven the Titans from heaven, huge Earth bore her youngest child Typhoeus of the love of Tartarus, by the aid of golden Aphrodite. Strength was with his hands in all that he did and the feet of the strong god were untiring. Hesiods Theogony, 820-824
At the same time three bows/arc 🌈🌈🌈  are are seen at the celestial pole, the arc of the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper, and the arc of the body of the serpent, Thuban/Draconis/Typhon [the swirling typhoon/huricane of stars] 

The brightest star of the constellation Cygnus is Deneb "the head of the northern cross" which would have been the pole star around 16,000 BCE, after the stars of Cepheus.

When Daneb was the pole star Cygnus would have been a whirling blade-like compass.

But in this backwards / counter-clockwise clock we go from the cross(Cygnus), i.e., the cruxifixction to Christmas, rather than from the Nativity to the cross. This mirroring is what helps us to know the time and the season. And it is inevitable that after the death comes the birth. It is the eternal cycle of life.

If the "SwanCygnus, was a prediluvian constellation of the pole star / black sun ("illuminates" times and seasons)black star leading up to the great flood, and the  pole was moving on to Vega [around 12,000 BCE] which is in the constellation of Lyra "the lyre,"[as the swan was moving away from the pole and thus becoming less and less visible above the celestial plane(the ocean), but rather was dipping into the water, and then the this flood happened somewhere before or after the pole moved onto Hercules, this would give new meaning to the term "swan-song," which is a saying of enigmatic origin, and "black swan" event i.e., the cataclysm/flood.

Cygnus and Lyra

And this could also mean that many important symbols of ancient Egypt were all representative of past pole constellations. The was = the Shepherd/Set, (similar to the ancient Egyptian kherep/ ḫrp-scepter, a stylized lyre /or sekem/ sḫm-scepter sistrum ), the ankh = Cygnus. . .

Alpha Lyrae, Vega comes from Arabic "falling" or "landing," from the full name an-nasr al-wãqi, "the falling/landing eagle." Tranquility base here. The eagle has landed.

In another respect the circling of Draco resembles both the ouroboros yin/yang.

Ouroboros — Draco

the celestial pole being actually invisible,i.e.'black,' because it is just a point in the sky that is at 90° from the equator, and the "pole stars" are often at less than  90°, or, more than 0° separation from the actual pole, so this is similar to how there is a point in space identified as Black Moon Lilith[the point of lunar apogee in astrology], and the moon is only coincidentally there sometimes. 

Tarot of Marseille

The earth has a black sun/clock/star that is the North Pole because the earth has a wobble. . . . "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!" And this "black sun" symbol sometimes can look like a cross or + that is in motion, somewhat like a whirling cross, or swastika. 

The word swastika comes from Sanskrit meaning 'conductive to well-being.' In Hinduism, the right-facing symbol (clockwise) is called swastika, symbolizing surya ('sun'), prosperity and good luck, while the left-facing symbol (counter-clockwise) is called sauvastika symbolizing night or tantric aspects of Kali. wikipedia-Swastika 

So the symbol originally meant something very positive, or had a name of honor, before it was used by the Nazis and became a "name of shame,"as evidenced below.

    The Swastika and the Columbine 'Dove,' postmarked August 21, 1909
I can't send a bit of the the
turquoise sky,
Or the mountain's sunset glow.
Here's the good luck sign of
a hundred lands
And the flower of Colorado.
postmarked Aug. 2[*], 190[*]
May every 
be Bright
Post cards addressed to my maternal grandmother's father taken from a large binder collection of a wide variety of postcards, all from the turn of the 20th century.

But the celestial pole has no "proper" star, yet sometimes certain stars are coincidentally more or less conjunct the celestial pole. The earth's axis, so a point upon the earth indicates the direction of the celestial pole, but the celestial pole is not fixed. 

So, it's pretty clear that this wandering pole is the cause of much confusion(babel) to say the very least. Because what one people call and experience as quite constant, true-fixed, resting, unassailable, unshaken is in fact in vain.

I could be well moved, if I were as you:

If I could pray to move, prayers would move me.

But I am constant as the northern star,

Of whose true-fixed and resting quality

There is no fellow in the firmament.

The skies are painted with unnumbered sparks,

They are all fire and every one doth shine;

But there's but one in all doth hold his place.

So in the world: 'tis furnished well with men,

And men are flesh and blood, and apprehensive;

Yet in the number I do know but one

That, unassailable, holds on his rank,

Unshaked of motion; and that I am he.

Let me a little show it, even in this 

That I was constant Cimber should be banished,

And constant do remain to keep him so. -ShakespeareCaesar, Act III, scene I, lines 59-74

Now that is a very salty Ceasar salad! 

Since the procession of the equinoxes/polar wobble is such a long cycle(around 25,765 years), it is not readily observable except over thousands of years of time. So, when people have stories about what they see in the sky, and then the sky changes slowly over time their language of talking about the world, i.e., History, gets confused for sure. So, maybe we should call it the Tower of Wobble instead, or Wobbylon. Wobble on!

The bow/arc of Noah, the builder of the great Ark(ship), had the "bow/arc in the clouds" given to him as an arc of the covenant between God and "every living creature of all flesh." Moses who was also saved by being placed in a tebah "basket/Ark," was instructed to construct the Ark of the Covenant. Mary, is equated with both the Ark of the Covenant and the sailor's "star of the sea" Stella Maris, the North Star/Pole Star.

The Arabic name is al-Juday "the kid" (as in juvenile goat) which presently is Polaris the G.O.A.T.

The goddess who was associated with weaving and therefore spiders and therefore the hub of the wheel of the heavens, therefore we could say the pole was Neith/Nit/Net. She was a primordial creator goddess from ancient Egypt associated with sagittas "arrows"(sšr-wand the toxa "arcs/bows." She was a protectress, mother goddess, associated with the implements of war(as well as weaving), called  "Mistress of the Bow," "Ruler of Arrows" -ancientegyptonline

(a.) Net wearing the Red Crown(Desheret) of Lower Egypt(the crown with a thorn/spine/nail/nál) with crossed bow and arrows and wadj(papyrus) scepter and ankh (b.) Net wearing Desheret with wadj scepter and ankh (c.) Nt, name hieroglyph as crown, with wadj scepter and ankh

Neith's symbol was two arrows crossed over a shield. She was also associated with weaving(ntt "weave"), her symbol being a weaving shuttle, but "weaving" in a really cosmic way. She was the divine matrix, mother of all the gods who wove the universe on her loom. Nit knit it all together. It was all Net's work.

Although archery and weaving don't at first seem to be related, the implements of archery are connected to the names given to the implements and products of weaving. Such as the word bolt "short, stout arrow with a heavy head," is used to describe a length of cloth, i.e. a "bolt" of fabric, and shuttle "a weavers instrument," is from Old English scytel "dart, arrow," and a weaving beam and the stock of a crossbow is a tiller, from Latin telarium/tela "web, loom,"[as well as other words discussed here, BabyYou're a Firework].

And let's not forget that weaving can be an act of war! Think of Arachne. She was the greatest weaver who was turned into a spider — a hyphe(web) spinner/conector due to her hubris.

Here Neith is depicted with an erected "loom," i.e. penis, supposedly next to the family "jewels," i.e., heirlooms. She must have had some balls, given she was a war goddess.

Neith had no known husband, so was designated a "Virgin Mother Goddess". The phallic symbolism in the hieroglyphics surrounding her is a nod to the masculine energy also required in the creation of the universe. Neith
Loom originally had the meaning "instrument or tool of any kind". And if you're tela' me  a loom holds a web, then Net was a pretty awesome web slinger. Hit me with your best shot! Fire away! When you are webbing something, you are knitting it, like a net. You're weaving it. 

You watched me as I was being formed in utter seculsiom, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. Psalm 139:15 NLT

The knitting needle of Nit would be the pole/axis.

Like the Norns who wove the tapestry of fate and were carvers of runes.

So we have "returned". The point of know return is here. 
"Arise from your slumber! Search your ways and return in teshuva and remember your Creator!"
The Polar Scrying Glass/Mirror of the Magic 8/ayts (world)tree/ Ball.

Outlook Good . . . 

The. stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.... 

Stars denote "the great" the important people in the play/movie, those who have a staring role

stars all the objects in the sky are used for appointment navigation because they stand firm to their courses. They guide.

steer (v.) establish times 

*ster (2)

PIE root *sta- "to stand, make or be firm"

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