Tuesday, March 25, 2014

*The Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah - Genesis 19

When you look at what people have to say about the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah they usually say it was homosexuality. God destroyed the cities because they were having samesex sex in those cities and it was obviously very abhorrent to God. According to the story, the men of the town did want to have sex with the male angel visitors. So because these men wanted to have sex with the male angel visitors the sin of the city was homosexuality. Others say, no, it is the fact that the men of the town were being inhospitable that is the sin. Both of these explanations seem to fall short of the obvious, i.e., rape. To quote a popular internet news clip,
Hide your kids, hide your wife . . . and hide your husband . . . 'cuz they rapin' everyone out here . . .  -A.Dodson
The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were morally depraved rapists. They were bored with sex and the people available to have sex with. They had already had sex inside, outside, upside down and backwards. When the new people arrived they were turned on, something was happening, it was a new fix, something to quell the unbearable torture of their boring pointless existences, even if just for a moment. The visitors were angels, they were probably pretty compelling. I'm sure they were very beautiful.

    Archangel Michael - Legion, 2010

It is true that the men of the town preferred the angels over Lot's daughters, yes. However, we don't know what Lot's daughters looked like, and maybe there is a reason why they were able to remain virgins in such a town. Who knows? In any case, they were probably not as good looking or exciting as the angels, which for someone driven by uncontrolled depraved lust, would be a compelling consideration and might help tip the scales in favor of the angels. Let's see, Lot's plain daughters…or the hot mysterious guests, hmm.

    Archangel Gabriel Legion, 2010

We know that the fiancés of Lot's daughters didn't come with them when Lot asked them to. Maybe they were happy to get out of the arrangement, besides not taking Lot seriously? Then the daughters ended up raping their own dad in order to have children. So, it is fair to say that the men (and women) of the town were perverse. They did not want to have sex for spiritual connection, but rather plain lust (or selfish aspiration). They were not asking to have sex with the visitors. They were demanding for them to be handed over for their own personal sexual gratification at the visitors' expense. And Lot wasn't all that great himself (offering to hand over his own daughters in place of the angel guests), but at least he hadn't sought to rape the angels himself and had instead tried to protect them, so they were going to save him for that good deed. However, Lot didn't even realize that the visitors didn't need his protection. He wasn't too bright, and did't exhibit a lot of faith or obedience on more than one occasion. The angels literally had to drag him out of the city by the hand. Genesis 19

I'm sure the angels didn't have wings when they showed up in town, but it is just a way of depicting their otherworldly awesomeness. Same thing with the halos in art which are meant to depict their bright auras. An angel is a shining one. Halos is a Greek word meaning "the disk of the sun or moon" which is shiny. Hals 
[hálas Koine] is a Greek word meaning "salt; sea" 

    Halos and Hals, by Julie O. /chthonickore

Sol is "sun" and sal is "salt" in Latin. There is a connection between that special something-ness of salt and the bright majesty of the sun. Halal is "shine" in Hebrew. Shine is zing, and salt is zing. Melach is "salt" in Hebrew and "angel" is malak. The malakim (angels) are melach (salty) like the majestic sea (hals), and salty like the sun (helios) and the moon (selene) which exhibit halos from their shinning radiance. It is this "saltiness" which makes the angels desirable. 

    Pink Himalayan Rock Salt, photo by Julie O. /chthonickore


  1. The fate of Lot's daughters (as with so many of these old tales, tills, tails) confounds me...until the layers are peeled back. And then, the understanding is like a flood of beauty. Those girls weren't salty at all!

    1. I know, right? As if there were no way to ever go anywhere else and get pregnant somehow. They must have been complete dogs ;) If they were really salty at all they would have wanted to go off and be witches in the forest or something like that.

  2. salty:otherworldly awesomeness::bland:mortal servitude

    1. Sorry, one more thing...bland comes from a Latin meaning for smooth, like an unsculpted life before the ego has grooved the lesson of itself into the universe, creating the otherworldly awesomeness of Being.

    2. That's really interesting, skinny! I agree, there is something really true in the salty having the edginess to it, not smooth at all in that way. so, I'm trying to fit this in now with my arom "naked" and chalaq "smooth" considerations. Remember the snake in the garden was arom "crafty" and a smooth talker, related to naked. And Jacob was the child that was chalaq "smooth, as opposed Esau, the hairy one. So, here these are denoting something kind of cool and underhanded about the characters, which was pleasing to God in Jacobs case. But I think that just goes to show there are always many ways in which we use words, and there is truth in both ways depending upon the intended meaning. We might say the wisdom of the serpent is naked, smooth, crafty, shining/light bringing, yet also edgy, salty, death bringing/life bringing, Smooth, but not bland. Edgy, but not hairy . Naked, but clothed in brightness…I'll definitely think about that more. I think angels were really sanitized in the past to make them kind of smooth and bland, right? Not sexy/salty at all really. neither the idea of heaven.
